Face Your Complex Criminal Lawsuit with Confidence

Being charged with a crime you didn’t commit is a traumatic experience that can impact you and your loved ones. In the blink of an eye, you could lose your job and reputation, leaving you and your family to deal with the aftermath. Here at The Paul Howard Law Firm, we understand precisely what is on the line.

Lawyer Up: Get The Criminal Defense Support You Need And Deserve

Complex criminal litigations are tough cases. To secure courtroom victory, you need an experienced lawyer who knows his way around a courtroom and understands the value of detailed investigations to support your claim. When you bring on The Paul Howard Law Firm, we work closely with you from start to finish, exchanging facts and ideas that can help strengthen your case. Your understanding of the legal process is critical to the outcome of the legal proceedings, which is why we see that you are fully aware of how the legal system works.

Criminal Defense Handled By Our Atlanta Lawyers

The state and federal criminal justice systems can be incredibly intimidating, with complex laws and penalties ranging from moderate to severe. There are two sides to every story, and our goal is to ensure our team and the justice system hear your story. Here are some of the criminal cases our team will take on:

Drug Cases

Domestic Violence


Probation Violations

Violent Crimes


Traffic Offenses


Weapons Offenses

White Collar Crimes

Get The Right Representation For You Or Your Company During Pending Complex Criminal Investigations

Our team has significant experience handling complex criminal cases, whether representing a victim or defending a person we believe has been wrongfully accused of a crime. More popularly known as mega trials, complex criminal cases involve multiple charges based on tons of evidence produced from various means, including undercover operations, confidential informant mobilization, DNA testing, and wiretapping.

These complex cases require a high level of expertise in criminal law. At The Paul Howard Law Firm, you can trust that we have the knowledge and resources to take on and win your case.

Call Us Today And Get Your Case Evaluation

If you believe you were wrongfully accused of a crime or if you are eligible for expungement, pardon, or exoneration, contact our team. Our team will evaluate your case and determine the best course of action.

Request Your Free Case Evaluation

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