Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer

Have you been involved in a car accident that wasn’t your fault? Contact us right away.

Don’t let the negligent party’s insurance company attempt to get you to agree to an unfair settlement. Once you agree to their offer, you won’t have a chance to recover all your losses. Car accidents are one of the most common causes of personal injury in the United States. Research by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows that there are roughly 5.5 million car accidents in the United States each year, with 3 million accidents leading to injuries.

Let us help you file a lawsuit and hold the wrongdoer accountable. We will take care of everything—from collecting evidence and investigating the accident to finding expert witnesses and representing you in court—so you can focus on your recovery. If you decide to resolve it outside the courtroom, we will help you negotiate with the insurance company’s lawyers to reach a favorable settlement.

Types of Car Accidents

We handle car accident cases of all types frequently, and we understand this may be a challenging experience for you to navigate. We are here to guide you every step of the way. Our car accident attorney and professional staff will get to know your situation. You will meet directly with Paul Howard Jr, and our firm will know your name. You won’t be another case number or statistic to us. We respect you, and we will fight for you.

There are several common causes behind car accidents The Paul Howard Law Firm can represent. This includes:

Automobile Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents

Trucking Accidents

Accidents Caused By DUI (Driver Under Influence)

Accidents Caused By DWI (Driver While Intoxicated)

Reckless Driving

Drowsy Driving

Traffic Violations

What To Do If You’ve Been In A Car Accident

If you or a loved one has been in a car accident, there are a few steps you can take right away:

  1. Stop right away. Do not leave the scene of an accident, no matter how minor it is.
  2. Call the police. You may need a police report to file a claim with your insurance company.
  3. Seek medical attention. Often, injuries from car accidents are not immediate. You could feel the impact hours or days later.
  4. Keep accurate records. Be sure to tell the police officer exactly what happened. Take notes, if possible. Do not speculate or make claims. Start to create a file to maintain your records.
  5. Take pictures. If you have a camera or mobile phone in your vehicle, take as many photos as possible. Take pictures of all vehicles involved in the accident.
  6. Exchange information. The police officer may obtain this information. However, you may also want to communicate with the other driver directly. Exchange names, telephone numbers, addresses, and insurance information with the other party.
  7. Seek witnesses. If anyone is nearby who witnessed the accident, find out if you can also get their contact information for future reference.
  8. Report the accident. Contact your insurance company to report the accident and provide immediate details only.

Contact an attorney. If your car accident resulted in serious injury with a negligent party, contact a personal injury attorney nearby to get a case evaluation. There is typically no cost.

Car Accident Compensation And Claims

Injuries from car accidents may result in physical pain and suffering or emotional and psychological trauma. Typical car accident injuries could include whiplash or neck injuries, broken bones, minor to severe brain injuries, spinal cord or back injuries, anxiety or nervousness, post-traumatic stress.

The potential value of your car accident will vary depending on the extent of damages you suffered. Most car accident cases include compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Loss of income or reduced earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damages

In some instances, the car accident claim can be settled outside of court. When that does not occur, our team will carry the case into the courtroom where we will fight to win.

An Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer By Your Side

Remember, you may have a winning case with the right car accident lawyer on your side. Contact us to get immediate, personal attention for your personal injury claim.

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