Have You Recently Suffered from a Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycles only make up 3% of all registered vehicles in Georgia. However, the fatality rate of riding a bike is 27 times higher than that of driving a typical subcompact vehicle, and it’s easy to understand why. Apart from being ten times smaller than a car, motorcycles also lack many safety features. Despite that, they are allowed to travel alongside larger vehicles on busy roads.

No motorist, driving any type of vehicle, is excused from negligence while traveling alongside a motorcycle rider. If another vehicle hits you as it changes lanes without warning, tailgates you, or runs a stop sign, contact The Paul Howard Law Firm.
Our team will work with you to file a personal injury case for your motorcycle accident. Injuries from motorcycle accidents can vary from road rash to broken bones or ankles or even paralysis. You are well within your rights to pursue the at-fault party and have them pay for the damages if you are a passenger is injured due to another driver’s negligence.

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